Top 3 Ways to Immigrate from the US to Canada Now

webinars May 21, 2020

Hello from Toronto!

In case if you missed our today's webinar on "Top 3 Ways to Immigrate from the US to Canada Now", we're sending the link to the webinar video so you can watch it at your convenience.

It was an amazing live event on both Facebook and YouTube and the audience was great! They asked very good questions LIVE during the webinar and got helpful tips from Rakhmad Sobirov, the Managing Partner of Sobirovs Law Firm.

Enjoy the video of the webinar and make sure that you participate with your great questions next time!

If you've decided to move your business and family to Canada and need guidance in this journey, we're here to help! Contact us and book your detailed consultation.

Your team in Canada,

ImmigrationShop team

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Immigration to Canada in times of Coronavirus


Immigration to Canada in times of Coronavirus. What should one expect in these unpredictable times?

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How to Get Admitted to Dalhousie University - Part 2 with Muhammadjon Toshpulatov

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2020
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How to Get Admitted to Dalhousie University - Part 1 with Yulduz Khojaeva

Uncategorized Feb 02, 2020

Today, we will learn more about Yulduz's journey to #Canada and get her secret tips on:

1. How to get admitted to one of the most prestigious universities of Canada;

2. How to apply for and get the Canadian student visa from a developing country on your own and with the help of the Student Visa Application course by ImmigrationShop;

3. How should one prepare himself/herself for a study in Canada; and

4. Many other questions that you can ask during our Facebook LIVE event.

You can ask your questions during the LIVE interview.

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The differences between a licensed Canadian immigration lawyer and a licensed Canadian immigration consultant

paid representatives Jan 08, 2020

Many people who want to come to Canada for study, work or immigration face many different people who offer their services to help those people. However, most of the people living outside of Canada don't understand who can be your paid representative before the Canadian government. 

You probably heard about unlicensed travel or visa or tourism agencies in your home country who offer "visa services" to the general public. Are they licensed to be your paid representative before the Canadian governmentDid you ask them about it?

According to the Canadian law, only licensed Canadian lawyers, licensed Canadian immigration consultants and, in the province of Quebec, notaire public can offer their services in exchange of certain a payment. Only these professional can be an Authorized Paid Representatives of you before the Canadian government in exchange of certain payment!

In this video, we'll discuss the differences between a...

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How To Become a Lawyer in Canada: Possible Ways For Foreign-Trained Lawyers

lawyer legal profession Nov 26, 2019

Legal profession is one of the tightly regulated professions in Canada. If you are foreign-trained lawyer who wants to continue his/her career in Canada, this video will give you an idea on how to do that in your new home.

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How educational experience in a foreign country can add professional value in a changing job market

The professional learning acquired through an educational or academic experience in a foreign country goes far beyond the hard skills developed in the course itself. It happens because the most valuable learning comes from multiple interactions experienced living in an environment of cultural diversity.

With the technological advancement of the last decades, it is easy to learn hard skills even at home. Anywhere on the planet, it is possible to access through the Internet new content in tutorials, articles or books and learn several topics. It is possible to learn even very specific techniques without leaving home.

It is ironic that as we live in a time of revolutionary changes in the labour market, it is difficult to predict what will be the requirements of our profession in the next two years as the changes promoted by technological innovations take place at a very rapid pace. In the face of this reality, a skill set that is getting more relevant in recent years is what we refer...

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Como a experiĆŖncia educacional em um paĆ­s estrangeiro pode agregar valor profissional num mercado de trabalho em transformaĆ§Ć£o

O aprendizado profissional adquirido em uma experiência educacional ou acadêmica em um país estrangeiro vai muito além das habilidades técnicas desenvolvidas no curso em si, isso porque talvez o aprendizado de maior valor pessoal e profissional vem exatamente das múltiplas interações experimentadas vivendo em um ambiente de diversidade cultural.

Com o avanço tecnológico das últimas décadas, adquirir habilidades técnicas (Hard Skills), tornou-se acessível e disponível no ambiente doméstico. Em qualquer lugar do planeta é possível através da internet acessar conteúdos em tutoriais, artigos ou livros de temas variados e aprender técnicas até muito específicas sem sair de casa, mas o que é curioso é que vivemos um tempo de mudanças revolucionárias no mercado de trabalho e é difícil prever...

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The Building Blocks of a Strong Motivation Letter for University / College Admission in Canada.


If you desire to get admitted to top universities/colleges in Canada or any country of the Western world, you have to pay lots of attention to your motivation letter. Rakhmad Sobirov, CEO of ImmigrationShop, explains the key structure of a strong motivation letter.

You can learn about The Coaching Program of Rakhmad Sobirov here -

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Using or Not Using an Agent to Study in Canada: Video of the Oct. 11, 2019 Free Q&A session on Facebook LIVE


Today's first-ever free Q&A session was great!

Our Main Subject was about using an agent (or not using an agent) to help you to come to Canada to study.

We'll discuss ONE MAIN SUBJECT related to visiting, studying, working or immigrating to Canada every Friday.

Each session will have 2 parts:

Part 1 - Rakhmad Sobirov will tell you about the main subject; and
Part 2 - Questions from you will be answered.

All sessions will be in English only, but you can ask your questions in English, Turkish, Russian and Uzbek languages.

See you in the next session. Join us next Friday, October 18, 2019, on this page

Follow our Facebook Page to stay updated!


-- ImmigrationShop team

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