How educational experience in a foreign country can add professional value in a changing job market

The professional learning acquired through an educational or academic experience in a foreign country goes far beyond the hard skills developed in the course itself. It happens because the most valuable learning comes from multiple interactions experienced living in an environment of cultural diversity.

With the technological advancement of the last decades, it is easy to learn hard skills even at home. Anywhere on the planet, it is possible to access through the Internet new content in tutorials, articles or books and learn several topics. It is possible to learn even very specific techniques without leaving home.

It is ironic that as we live in a time of revolutionary changes in the labour market, it is difficult to predict what will be the requirements of our profession in the next two years as the changes promoted by technological innovations take place at a very rapid pace. In the face of this reality, a skill set that is getting more relevant in recent years is what we refer...

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